Dr. Natalie Batalha works at NASA’s AMES Research Centre and will be speaking on, ‘A Planet for Goldilocks: The Search for Evidence of Life Beyond Earth’. This area of astronomy is and will be THE most exciting and cutting-edge topic for many years to come.This will be an excellent opportunity for people to listen to […]
About: Zoë Stallmach
Recent Posts by Zoë Stallmach
It’s with a very sad heart that I write to inform the members and friends of the Gisborne Astronomical Society that Huon Chandler, our long-standing treasurer and public nights star, passed away recently. Our heartfelt condolences go out to Carol (Huon’s wife) and their children and grandchildren. Huon did so much for the Gisborne Astronomical […]
Public Lecture – Hosted by the Gisborne Astronomical Society and Tairawhiti Museum Professor Wayne Orchiston (National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand) will be presenting a lecture at the Tairawhiti Museum on: “FROM JOHN GRIGG TO JOHN DRUMMOND: A CENTURY OF CHANGE IN NEW ZEALAND ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY” Wednesday 24th August, 2016. 7:00pm (koha) Details The astronomical world underwent a […]
John Drummond was featured in the Gisborne Herald today for his amazing devotion to astronomy, including his new role as president of the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand and his recently completed Master of Science degree in astronomy. Well done John!
G.A.S Juniors were featured in the Gisborne Herald today. Check out the photo of Te Rata and Angus and the article which features our new belt system and our new website.
NASA’s Hubble finds universe is expanding faster than expected This surprising finding may be an important clue to understanding those mysterious parts of the universe that make up 95 percent of everything and don’t emit light, such as dark energy, dark matter, and dark radiation. Read more at the Astronomy Magazine.
The Gisborne Astronomy Society has recently launched this new website. This site was designed and built by Zoe Stallmach as part of the Campion College impact project programme. Each student chooses a project that interests them, and is community minded, and then every Friday for 1.5 terms the students work on their project. GAS has […]
G.A.S’s own John Drummond was recently announced the president of the Royal Astronomy Society of New Zealand. Congratulations Mr D!
The 2016 Royal Astronomical Society Conference was held in May in Napier and hosted by the Hawke’s Bay Astronomical Society. Read the president’s update.
A new grading system has been introduced into GAS Juniors to help members learn about astronomy. The system is graded from white to black belt with each belt being more challenging than the last. Te Rata Campbell has recently become the first white belt in GAS Juniors. Go Te Rata!
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